Company Overview was created and founded by Eric Akiskalian in 1998 with a vision to promote the responsible growth of big wave surfing and tow-in surfing.

Our Goal:

To increase the presence of ocean safety and rescue personnel in the waters during giant swells at specifically chosen big wave locations around the world.

Our Mission:

To promote and ensure ocean safety, awareness and education while promoting the sport of tow-in surfing and big wave surfing.

Our Objective:

To offer manpower, equipment and or financial support to current ocean safety and rescue personnel at specifically chosen big wave locations around the world.

 Safety Products and Equipment:

We sell all the necessary tow-in equipment, custom towboards, rescue sleds, ropes, tow handles, and safety gear needed to properly outfit your PWC. We also carry life vests and inflatables for big-wave paddle-in and tow-in surfing. Please visit our online store.

 Ocean Safety:

In return for your continued support, can deliver crucial and current material on technical training and ocean safety. As we bring you up to date with ongoing contests, exclusive editorials, and weather reports, our goal is to have a global presence that is respected and backed by our visitors, sponsors, and partnerships. With our available services, products, and media contacts to the sport, has become one of the leading industry sites for eXtreme Paddle-in and Tow-in surfing for the past two decades.