Gerry Lopez Gets First Crack
at Kelly Slater’s Left

Lopez glides into surfing’s new realm.WSLThe quest will always be there. But when it comes to finding those magic pulses of wave energy the game is clearly changing. When Kelly Slater and his crew completed construction on their latest version of the wave, they revealed a perfect left. When it came time to decide who would ride the first wave, Slater knew exactly who he wanted to give the honor to. “I really wanted Gerry to ride the first left, just to say thanks for your commitments and what you’ve given to surfing over the years.”
Gerry, who’s been operating on a higher plane for decades now, is a longtime believer in tapping into surf energy wherever it can be found, whether that’s a speed reef in Indonesia, a river wave near his house in Bend, Oregon, or the Surf Ranch. So what did he think after riding a few gems?
“That’s the future, bro,” he told Slater afterward. “That’s it, man.”

Gerry Lopez and Kelly Slater survey the new lineup.WSL
Song: Been So Long
Artist: Mike Edge
(C) 2017